Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Warning for Cigarettes

This is a very affective piece. What I love about this is that they did a good job fitting everything in a way that is easy to read but still easily makes out the image. As for showing the messaging and being able to communicate their piece they did a great job that is for sure. It shows all the nasty things in the cigarette and catches your attention. I like that the background is all the chemicals that make it up but they put the most important and most repulsive in the biggest font and in the most noticeable place.

They used the most important words and the ones best to repulse people in the biggest font like pesticide and then used the bright yellow to bring to attention the sulphuric acid and the bug spray. The tar is my favorite probably just because its so cool how they have it breaking apart like the ash of a cigarette and that its thicker font than the rest. The variations go well together and though they used different sizing and thickness, they still made it look like on piece and one things. I really like this piece and  I like the smoke that came off the ash part. They might have wanted to add a little red to the ash since its supposed to be burning. Maybe if they had a gradient or mix of colors where it turns from red to the gray breaking off I think would have added a little more color and interest to the word tar since thats an important word in this piece but it draws so little attention at the moment.

America Described

This shows what I talked about earlier about having the words you use for the typography piece to reflect the meaning of the piece. This is the perfect example, but there are some quirks about this piece. Though I like the meaning, the background is nice by itself, but I feel like it makes the piece look a little weird. The text looks a little dark next to this background and I think it makes it a little hard to read, especially closer to the corners of the piece. The overall shape though is a little off. The variations in text are a little much as well. I like that they kept phrases the same text, but other than that, there are a few too many variations and different fonts. They use a couple of fonts, but the different sizing and boldness of the fonts makes it a little harder to see as one clear image. THe Under God in the corner where Florida is doesn't seem to fit with the picture. They made it seem like an appendage hanging off of the states and doesn't seem like it just fits with the rest of the picture. Everything else makes up the shape nicely but that one little piece just throws me off.

I don't like the thin font they used for POWER, I think it just looks too weak against the thicker bolder font and against the almost darker background. The mix of the two fonts is also a little weird and throws me off a little bit and I think they could have used different fonts that go together a little better or that contrast better without looking strange.

Awesome Swiss Coloring and Design

The thing that drew me to this piece was the amazing coloring that was done. I love the background and that sparkling almost metallic look to the coloring of this piece. The text I really like and I think it works well with the overall piece but I think its still a little confusing. The Swiss design look to the piece is really cool and its a design that I like simply because I feel like its so different than what I'm used to seeing. I like that its all the same font with only a few variations in the type. The fact that's its mirrored is a little bit repetitive and I think it adds a little to the confusion because it makes me wonder why its repeated over and over.

The overall layout and design is great, the text is clear and easy to read nothing is covered up or hidden behind something else. The texture that breaks into the type in some areas is probably my favorite because it ties in the background to the foreground text and adds interest and texture to the type so it doesn't look so flat. The swirls around the type I like, I think they are more background design and don't draw your attention like the type does in this piece. I also like that everything is under case instead of capitalizing the first letter of the words because I think it just gives a different more interesting look to the font and makes all the fonts look the same.

Guitar of Musicians

This is what I was talking about in one of my other posts. Though this definitely isn't the coolest object made out of text I like it just because the entire thing is made up of musicians and artists which I think adds more meaning to the piece. This is something I would like more than someone that just uses random letters and numbers to do their piece. The only thing I don't get is the red blotches on the guitar. I get that those are supposed to be pieces of the guitar, but why not do them in text with everything else? I just don't get why everything but those pieces would be text and yet they think that these random looking red patches will fit into the piece. The red knobs on top also would be a lot more affective if they had been made of text because otherwise it looks random.

Honestly the only reason I posted this is because I like that they used text that was relevant to the piece they were making. Maybe some would say it makes it too obvious, but if your using text to create something, than you shouldn't make it a complex puzzle to figure out. I like that they have their signature built into the piece also. The variations are good, not too much, but the coloring and fading in some places just doesn't seem to make sense.

Strange Text Variations

The color in this piece is honestly what drew me to it, as well as the pop of color and white text against the more neutral background but the text is way too confusing. I really don't like that they use so many different variations in their font and too many different looks and changes in the words and order of the piece. I honestly cannot tell what this piece is trying to say because it is just too confusing. There are words going in every direction and in every shape and size and it just disorients me and makes me have to keep looking at it again and again. I get that the background splash of color is just the white text repeated again and again in a burst of just bright colors that don't have any sense with the words and this just adds to the confusion.

It looks like someone took a paintball gun with different colors for every shot and just kept shooting at this piece until every inch was covered. The font in the front is the same. I can kind of follow it, but it takes me a while before I understand what way I am suppose to move. If they had added arrows or something to keep my eye moving in the right direction than maybe it would be easier but the way they made it is just a little confusing. I like the boldness and creativity in the piece, it is great at drawing in attention and making you look at it for a few seconds, but as for getting the message ac cross, I feel as though the piece does not do this very well. People will stop and ponder something like this and it does draw and keep attention, but once people get too confused without an obvious answer, it makes them stop looking and loose interest. It looks like someone took a paintball gun with different colors for every shot and just kept shooting at this piece until every inch was covered. The font in the front is the same. I can kind of follow it, but it takes me a while before I understand what way I am suppose to move. If they had added arrows or something to keep my eye moving in the right direction than maybe it would be easier but the way they made it is just a little confusing. I like the boldness and creativity in the piece, it is great at drawing in attention and making you look at it for a few seconds, but as for getting the message accross, I feel as though teh piece does not do this very well. People will stop and ponder something like this and it does draw and keep attention, but once people get too confused without an obvious answer, it makes them stop looking and loose interest. It looks like someone took a paintball gun with different colors for every shot and just kept shooting at this piece until every inch was covered. The font in the front is the same. I can kind of follow it, but it takes me a while before I understand what way I am suppose to move. If they had added arrows or something to keep my eye moving in the right direction than maybe it would be easier but the way they made it is just a little confusing. I like the boldness and creativity in the piece, it is great at drawing in attention and making you look at it for a few seconds, but as for getting the message across, I feel as though the piece does not do this very well. People will stop and ponder something like this and it does draw and keep attention, but once people get too confused without an obvious answer, it makes them stop looking and loose interest.

The variations are too many as well, they have tiny text, big thick text, they have text going every direction and all these variations make it seem like there is no connection between the words which is what confused me at first. I thought the the different parts had no connection but actually trying to read it left from right makes it easier, but still hard to see where I am supposed to move my eye next.

Screaming Face of Type

The only thing that I like about this piece is just that it has some good bending of the text to create shape in the face, but what I don't like is that in typography designed pieces, the text that creates the image should increase the meaning of the piece. The text should be made up of things that describe or are the feeling behind the piece. If this was made up of words that described the emotion behind the screaming face I would like it a lot more. The text being so big in the face I think works but I think it doesn't add as much interest. Especially the eyelids and the eyes could have been done a little better to add more interest and to make the piece seem more realistic and more interesting. I know that this would be extremely hard, and I'm curious about how they bent the words to create that shape and to show depth. The words coming out of his mouth I like, the entire idea for the piece i like, but I really wish they would have used words to describe the piece. The words streaming all around it is cool.

I like that they used different sizing for the font in some places but other than the basic sizing they didn't seem to use any other variations in the font. There isn't any font thicker or bolder than the other, its just the same font with bends and sizing differences. Even the tracking and leading seem to be consistent over the entire piece. Good piece though, good depth and shape creation with the text.

Breathe - Arial Font

This is so amazing. I have never been good at text or at drawing something made of text, but this is an amazing piece. The overlapping of different text sizes and pieces of text gives the hair a very realistic look and I think really adds to the design. I can't imagine trying to make something like this out of text. I can barely draw a normal person's face and yet this is done really well and its only using text and basic colors. I don't know what it says but I'm sure if I was able to take a lot closer look than I would be able to see the small details to see what the actual text says.

The eyes are done really well, the only part though that you can tell is text is the end of the eyes where the words are bigger and look almost like some makeup eyeliner design on the sides of her yes. The text actually gives the picture depth and texture rather than a plain drawing would do so. This is a good use of text, what I can see in the hair she uses a lot of different variations in the sizing, thickness, but keeps with the same font and only uses that font. It looks like she even used just a lighter shade of the text for the shading details in the shirt and the differences in color. The gray of the shirt though doesn't look like it is made of font, which I think is the only thing in the drawing that isn't. I think if the shirt had some text on it, maybe more easy to read so that all the sentences and phrases that make up everything else could be clearly spelled out in the shirt and it would look natural and would maybe help add meaning to the piece. Otherwise it is an awesome piece and I couldn't imagine the time it would take to make this.