Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Awesome Swiss Coloring and Design

The thing that drew me to this piece was the amazing coloring that was done. I love the background and that sparkling almost metallic look to the coloring of this piece. The text I really like and I think it works well with the overall piece but I think its still a little confusing. The Swiss design look to the piece is really cool and its a design that I like simply because I feel like its so different than what I'm used to seeing. I like that its all the same font with only a few variations in the type. The fact that's its mirrored is a little bit repetitive and I think it adds a little to the confusion because it makes me wonder why its repeated over and over.

The overall layout and design is great, the text is clear and easy to read nothing is covered up or hidden behind something else. The texture that breaks into the type in some areas is probably my favorite because it ties in the background to the foreground text and adds interest and texture to the type so it doesn't look so flat. The swirls around the type I like, I think they are more background design and don't draw your attention like the type does in this piece. I also like that everything is under case instead of capitalizing the first letter of the words because I think it just gives a different more interesting look to the font and makes all the fonts look the same.

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