Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Strange Text Variations

The color in this piece is honestly what drew me to it, as well as the pop of color and white text against the more neutral background but the text is way too confusing. I really don't like that they use so many different variations in their font and too many different looks and changes in the words and order of the piece. I honestly cannot tell what this piece is trying to say because it is just too confusing. There are words going in every direction and in every shape and size and it just disorients me and makes me have to keep looking at it again and again. I get that the background splash of color is just the white text repeated again and again in a burst of just bright colors that don't have any sense with the words and this just adds to the confusion.

It looks like someone took a paintball gun with different colors for every shot and just kept shooting at this piece until every inch was covered. The font in the front is the same. I can kind of follow it, but it takes me a while before I understand what way I am suppose to move. If they had added arrows or something to keep my eye moving in the right direction than maybe it would be easier but the way they made it is just a little confusing. I like the boldness and creativity in the piece, it is great at drawing in attention and making you look at it for a few seconds, but as for getting the message ac cross, I feel as though the piece does not do this very well. People will stop and ponder something like this and it does draw and keep attention, but once people get too confused without an obvious answer, it makes them stop looking and loose interest. It looks like someone took a paintball gun with different colors for every shot and just kept shooting at this piece until every inch was covered. The font in the front is the same. I can kind of follow it, but it takes me a while before I understand what way I am suppose to move. If they had added arrows or something to keep my eye moving in the right direction than maybe it would be easier but the way they made it is just a little confusing. I like the boldness and creativity in the piece, it is great at drawing in attention and making you look at it for a few seconds, but as for getting the message accross, I feel as though teh piece does not do this very well. People will stop and ponder something like this and it does draw and keep attention, but once people get too confused without an obvious answer, it makes them stop looking and loose interest. It looks like someone took a paintball gun with different colors for every shot and just kept shooting at this piece until every inch was covered. The font in the front is the same. I can kind of follow it, but it takes me a while before I understand what way I am suppose to move. If they had added arrows or something to keep my eye moving in the right direction than maybe it would be easier but the way they made it is just a little confusing. I like the boldness and creativity in the piece, it is great at drawing in attention and making you look at it for a few seconds, but as for getting the message across, I feel as though the piece does not do this very well. People will stop and ponder something like this and it does draw and keep attention, but once people get too confused without an obvious answer, it makes them stop looking and loose interest.

The variations are too many as well, they have tiny text, big thick text, they have text going every direction and all these variations make it seem like there is no connection between the words which is what confused me at first. I thought the the different parts had no connection but actually trying to read it left from right makes it easier, but still hard to see where I am supposed to move my eye next.

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