Tuesday, May 7, 2013

America Described

This shows what I talked about earlier about having the words you use for the typography piece to reflect the meaning of the piece. This is the perfect example, but there are some quirks about this piece. Though I like the meaning, the background is nice by itself, but I feel like it makes the piece look a little weird. The text looks a little dark next to this background and I think it makes it a little hard to read, especially closer to the corners of the piece. The overall shape though is a little off. The variations in text are a little much as well. I like that they kept phrases the same text, but other than that, there are a few too many variations and different fonts. They use a couple of fonts, but the different sizing and boldness of the fonts makes it a little harder to see as one clear image. THe Under God in the corner where Florida is doesn't seem to fit with the picture. They made it seem like an appendage hanging off of the states and doesn't seem like it just fits with the rest of the picture. Everything else makes up the shape nicely but that one little piece just throws me off.

I don't like the thin font they used for POWER, I think it just looks too weak against the thicker bolder font and against the almost darker background. The mix of the two fonts is also a little weird and throws me off a little bit and I think they could have used different fonts that go together a little better or that contrast better without looking strange.

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