Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Breathe - Arial Font

This is so amazing. I have never been good at text or at drawing something made of text, but this is an amazing piece. The overlapping of different text sizes and pieces of text gives the hair a very realistic look and I think really adds to the design. I can't imagine trying to make something like this out of text. I can barely draw a normal person's face and yet this is done really well and its only using text and basic colors. I don't know what it says but I'm sure if I was able to take a lot closer look than I would be able to see the small details to see what the actual text says.

The eyes are done really well, the only part though that you can tell is text is the end of the eyes where the words are bigger and look almost like some makeup eyeliner design on the sides of her yes. The text actually gives the picture depth and texture rather than a plain drawing would do so. This is a good use of text, what I can see in the hair she uses a lot of different variations in the sizing, thickness, but keeps with the same font and only uses that font. It looks like she even used just a lighter shade of the text for the shading details in the shirt and the differences in color. The gray of the shirt though doesn't look like it is made of font, which I think is the only thing in the drawing that isn't. I think if the shirt had some text on it, maybe more easy to read so that all the sentences and phrases that make up everything else could be clearly spelled out in the shirt and it would look natural and would maybe help add meaning to the piece. Otherwise it is an awesome piece and I couldn't imagine the time it would take to make this.

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