Tuesday, March 19, 2013


This I think it cool, simply because of the idea it has and that it is made entirely of fonts, but there are some weird issues with it. The huge Georgia and Bremen are sort of out of place, all the other fonts are smaller, and these just seem out of place where they are. I think they really need to downsize them, maybe make them more gray instead of white. I like that its simple - just black and white and just fonts - but they need to fix some of the spacing issues. On the O, the bottom part is chinked inward and looks a little off. In the N, the spacing between some of the words looks odd, whereas on the F, there looks like there isn't any space between anything, it looks like they just overlapped the words again and again to get that affect. Also, the spacing differences in the letters themselves. The F is really thick, whereas the N is really thin in some places, and one side of the O is smaller than the other. These little issues aside, I like the idea that they had,

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