Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Bob Marley

This as a typography piece I think really works well as it shaped the face and figure perfectly, but what I don't like is the overusage of too many fonts. They have so many different types of font going on and I don't like it. The coloration though I think is really interesting and I like that they have such large words and then smaller words to add a lot of variation.

The spacing though with the big words is weird, it looks like they just cut them out and pasted them on top, they don't allow the background look to come through, and there is odd empty spaces and spacing problems in general around the bigger words and letters. I like the slow motion across the glasses though, I think it really works, and the variations in sizes adds detail to the hair and the face.

The background is simple, which I thinks just adds the attention to the type and picture formed from the type, so I think it works. It looks like they just took a picture and traced it using text, which I think works, but the big words are putting me off. Especially the Big Purpin or whatever it is that says in the top right corner, it sticks out a lot and looks weird.

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