Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Kinetik Festival Flyer Project - Research

Our first project in my typography class is to design a flyer/poster for the Kinetik Festival that takes place in Montreal and since this is a typography class, we are suppose to use our type as the main design element, but we can use basic graphical elements, just not photos or anything like that. So first, I am starting off by researching a little more about the festival because I don't know anything about it at all.

This festival is a more industrial type of music festival, so I need to keep that type of design in mind for my flyer. One thing I notice about some of the more goth/industrial band flyers are that they are mostly black, white, gray, and maybe some red for a spark of color, which is kind of what I was looking into doing either way because I like the dramatic contrast of the white and black. I was thinking of using a textured background for most of the flyer, but I don't really have my idea settled yet.

What I found out about this festival itself is that it is suppose to be following the evolution of electronic music over the years. It is a four night festival that features music from  Electro, to Old School Industrial, to Harsh Industrial, to Rymthic Noise and finally to EBM (Electronic Body Music). This festival is meant for all Canadian bands to show off their music, which is something else I can try to work into my design since the festival is in Montreal, Canada. This festival is also bringing attention to all the forms of media by doing live projections during the show, as well as interactive expositions (drawing, painting, construction multimedia) with live performances during the show. This festival is about more than just a concert featuring certain bands, its a demonstration of the revolution of electronic music through the last 25 years, but also touching on all the medias instead of just the music.

This festival is also broken into four phases, one phase per night, with the bands grouped into the different phases. I am assuming, though it doesn't seem to actually say it anywhere, but it seems like the different phases represent a different part of the evolution, each phase is a group of bands from that type of music era.

So I think I might try to include that in my design, how it evolves from one type of music to the next over the days, but I am still in the thumbnail creating process. I want to try to keep the industrial/electronic scene in mind as well as Canadian design elements to try to aim towards that type of crowd, since that is the most likely audience for this type of festival.

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