Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Wellmade Design - Website

CGR 257

This is the website to Wellmade Design. The logo is on the left, navigation to the right, and below are some of their portfolio pieces of past work that they have done. The problem I have with this website is that it for one is entirely white background, and as I've already explained, I hate all white websites with all white backgrounds, especially the way that this is set up because there is almost no color to balance it. Do I like the layout for the most part, yes I do, I like the idea of the home page having pieces from their portfolio with a little image and name of the company is a good idea, I like the look of the headers of each section, the little bars dividing each item, but I feel like there could have been a lot more color and interest put into this.

Home pages are suppose to make people want to click on things, and when I first opened this page, I was a little confused and surprised. The home page should also have some information about the company itself, the work is really important but if that's all that's on the page, and people have to dig through the site to find out more about the company itself and prices, it can be ineffective. I definitely think that this site needs a lot more color because this home page doesn't make me think of the logo whatsoever. I look at the logo at the top, and then look at the rest of the page and just shake my head because I do not see any connection whatsoever. The typography is the only link between them, the bright red of the logo is neglected in almost everyone on this site except for the very bottom and that color should be used for important parts, things that should pop up at you, not just footer information.

Once you click on things the site gets a little more filled and a little better, the red comes into play a little more and more text fills the page which helps with the emptiness but I still think overall the layout could use more color and branding elements. The background could have the little dots and a red border around the parts with information and transparent white under the side bar on the other pages, something other than just white and font and a few pictures/graphics.

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