Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Wellmade Design - Website Theme: Balance

CGR 257

This I got from another website where they feature some examples of website layouts that show the theme, for this one it was balance. This layout I actually do kind of like for balance, I think this works better than their actual website. For one, the navigation on the right is a lot more pronounced and is clearly the same color as the design in the logo, the headers are that color, they bring in the bright red from the logo to the part to the right. Though the background is still white, which I still think could be improved, I think this works a lot better color wise. I might have made the gray box actually touching the red, not stopping right before it but I still like it. Even as just the general layout for the site I think its a good idea. They can showcase different pieces of their work at the top of every page which adds interest and color to the page and have the rest of the information underneath. If you went with that I would suggest making it smaller so it doesn't take up so much of the page.

As for balance, I do think its fairly balanced, though the large amount of red on the right I think is a little heavy compared to just the red in the logo at the left, but color wise it does work better I think. The little bit of red above NestPix I think works too, it adds the red on the top and bottom of that side which adds a little more color weight. This layout I like more than the actual site, just because I think it incorporates the brand that they created in the business card and logo better, whereas the actual site I think just doesn't follow it at all.

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