Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Wellmade Design - Advertisement

CGR 115

This is an advertisement that I found. It is just a small advertisement for the side of the page, looks almost like a small rectangle. As an advertisement I think it says the information that it needs to, it mentions the services that they offer, that they are now serving Baltimore and the website and contact information. The logo and coloring all looks good, though I can't tell if the small font is the same as the larger font at the bottom, but it does look right. The spacing at the top I think looks off, I think the way that they organized the services a little odd. It just might be that the lengths of the lines are different which looks odd, but it looks like they are centered and they could have done that differently. I might have put a little more space between the two lines and made the font a little bigger.

The big circle with the logo on the right side I think adds way too much weight to that side and makes the left side look really light. Also having the border stop a little more than half way makes it look like they are two separate parts, or two separate advertisements in general. Putting the red border around the entire advertisement would help fix that and maybe adding the dot background look around the entire thing to at least the Now Serving Baltimore part.

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