Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Wellmade Design - Branding Overall

CGR 115


These are all the pieces that I found and showed you in previous posts. In the other posts I mostly focused on the design itself but now I want to look at everything together for the overall brand of the company.

The top right is obviously the logo, which having no graphical elements leaves the brand wide open other than coloring, and in the business card to the left, it looks as though they chose the red border and the dotted background for some branding elements. As the business card it is one of the most important advertising elements that they have, its what they hand out to prospective clients and to associates, and so the card should clearly show the branding and when they look up the website, it should carry that appearance throughout.

The problem is that it doesn't, the last picture to the left is the website, it has an entirely white background and this is the home page, this is what people first see when they click on the link, and I don't think it carries any of the branding elements at all. I explained some of the things that they could have done, but when you look at the last picture on the right, its their advertisement on a different page, it is clearly linked to the business card, which is good, it uses the red border, the dotted background, but when you compare both of those to the website, it just doesn't fit. The second picture on the left is of a layout example that they made, this isn't their website itself, but I feel like it carries the brand a little bit better than the actual website does. It adds the bright red coloring clearly, the red block/border look, and makes the navigation more obviously the same color and more pronounced as part of the brand. The business card, logo, and this advertisement carry the brand across, but in the website it is lost.

The website even changes the logo slightly, which you can do, but its the same on the business card and advertisement, but in both their actual website and the layout example they have it differently, I can see changing it because it looks better one way or another based on the application and design its placed inside of, but when it is done for no other reason than it might look better that way, it confuses the brand also. 

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