Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Wellmade Design - Logo

CGR 115

This is the logo for the company Wellmade Design, which I am sure you could have figured out. This type of logo is just a typographical logo, there aren't any graphical elements included, which leaves branding ideas out in the open. The font choice for the logo I like, but part of me feels like with the look of the font and the coloring it makes me think of a candy store more so than a design company, but that's just from the font of the first word. I do like that there is a variation in both font typeface, sizing, casing and coloring. By doing these variations it ensures that your eyes go to the Wellmade first, which by itself isn't enough, but then travels down to see the Design Co. below it in a very formal and elegant font choice.
I really do like the logo itself, though I am not one big on font-only logos, I do know that they can still be very effective without any graphical element included. When you have a logo that is all type, the best part is that it leaves the branding and designing for everything else wide open, you have colors you need to stick with and font maybe, but it leaves the rest of the design wide open. As a logo by itself, I do think the font looks a little too candyland-ish but once put into other applications, I am sure it will take away from that.

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