Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Quality Assurance Travel - Effectiveness of Branding - Part 4

CGR 115

What I'm looking into for this post is how effectively Quality Assurance Travel follows the brand they created for their company. I found one of their advertisements online and I want to look at how they kept the brand from their promotional folder and used that for their individual advertisements they put onto the web.

Most of their advertisements so far I have actually thought pretty decently of, this one however, I really do not like it whatsoever. Though on the last advertisement, the light glow around the logo looked really good because it just gave it a faint outline and that was the only place that they used it, for this, they have a glow around way too many things. The glow around the logo actually just makes it harder to read rather than better, same for the glow around the white font around the price. The outline around the fonts are horrible, it makes it look really weird, and I do not like the orange coloring on the font whatsoever. It makes it look really odd. I understand that they were working off the photo, which is good, but that isn't really the best orange coloring that they should have chosen, there were a lot of other shades they could have chosen, and should have. As for branding, this doesn't bring their brand in mind really at all. The font choices for the website and phone number are not very good, and there isn't really any of their branding elements accept for the bus and logo. They definitely could have done this a lot better.

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