Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Expedia - Different Logos Nationally

CGR 115

I started looking at the Expedia website to at first see how well Expedia's design and branding is, but in the process I realized that there are so many different parts to Expedia, there are website for every major nation, and that made me start to wonder how branding works on such a large scale.

In looking, I have noticed that almost every website looks the same, layout wise, but there are a few different logos that I noticed, including the following:

American Website
Australian Website
United Kingdom Website

 These are the variations that their national websites have, the only thing that changes is the abbreviation of the nation and the language of the website. I never thought about how international companies worked branding wise, so its interesting to see that they have a few variations of their logo but a lot of the branding is the same, they keep the bright yellow background for text and for advertisement, that shade of blue, the graphic with the logo and then just the look of the graphics or the additional graphic on some of the logos. The different nations actually have one of these variations, so I don't know who decides which nations get what version, but I like that they change it up slightly.
Some of the variations are even slightly different, on the BE extension of their site, they don't even have the words at the bottom of the last logo, its just Expedia... and the picture, no text underneath. After looking through every national extension there aren't any variations of these three logos other than one nation had the text in the last logo to the right, rather than the left.

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