Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Feast Creativity Website

CGR 257

This is the website for Feast Creativity, a design firm that does web, print, and logo design as well as training in different software. When I first came to this website, the first thing I noticed was the background image that they have for their background, it looks super good, it draws attention but is still plain enough to be able to clearly see the information on the page. The entire website I think is really well designed, I like that the background is just a transparent overlay and I think it looks really good, and the font choice that they have works really well for this website.

I also like that they kept with the look of their logo by making the navigation look like the FEAST in their logo, its green on the top and fades to white to the bottom, it isn't as pronounced as the logo, but when your on the website, its more obvious. I like the organization, it had important information on the page without overdoing, and something that I noticed is that it tells you where on the website you are at any time, so that you can easily navigate to similar areas that you like. All in all, I actually really think its a well balanced website and it looks great!

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