Thursday, October 18, 2012

Jaykishan Industries - Advertisements

CGR 115

They use a lot of white space in this to emphasis their point which I think really helps, Though there is a lot of numbers and graphics in the background, by having the fade I think it makes it look less crowded and seem like there is a lot of more space between them than there actually is. Having everything in gray and white except for the few elements that they want to stand out I think works really well. There is a lot of ways to add emphasis on something, the size, color, texture, and I like that this ad uses coloring and size to add that emphasis. They gradients on all the numbers in the background also make it seem more light and airy because they aren't just gobs of dark grays, there is some dark grays mixed with some lighter grays and whites that adds emphasis. The bar at the bottom I think is a little heavy, but I think it adds attention to the Jaykishan Industries and using the red bullets make your attention draw to them. The logo in the top right above where the fade is makes you notice is a lot more and the single red dot brings your attention to it as well. I like this advertisement because of their use of emphasis, white space, and attention to layout and detailing. 

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