Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Music Advertisement

CGR 115

This I don't really like at all. The concept of white space is lost in this design, there is way to many things going on at one time. The middle section would have been a good time to put some white space and use it to emphasis only certain parts but instead they tried to fill every available inch of space with pictures or text and I think it just looks way to crowded. People would spend too much time trying to figure out what this ad was trying to say. They used mostly pictures, which is okay but they need white space to emphasis what points they are trying to make. Having this be so crowded takes away from the design. The layout itself i don't know if I like either, the box at the bottom seems random because there isn't any other similar element anywhere else. The cd's along the top are just lined up, whereas the cd's along the bottom are in a box and stand out. The text at the top I don't works very well and I think altogether that this needs to change. 

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