Wednesday, October 24, 2012

257 - Button Ad Pop Up

Definition: A graphic advertising unit, smaller than a banner ad.

These can come in a variety of sizes, standards are 120x90, 120x60, 125x125 and 88x31 (micro button), though this type of ad does have more varied sizes than the standard sizes. Whereas a banner ad is on the top and skyscraper ads are on the left or right, the button ad is often in the middle or on the right or left side of the page. The only difference in these types of ads are the sizes and that this ad is a pop up ad rather than just a stand alone ad.

Pop Up Ads:

Definition: Ad ad that displays in a new browser window.

Pop up ads can come in a lot of shapes and sizes that differs depending on the ad itself. It usually is a little smaller than the browser window itself and has a close, minimize and maximize buttons at the top. Pop ups are considered very annoying by many web surfers and some marketers don't realize how annoying people find them, which is usually not the purpose of advertising. Though they do tend to have an above average click-through rate; this might be attributed to the fact that people can accidentally click on the ad when trying to click on something else.

Though it is a little blurry, an example of a button ad are the small advertisements on the right hand side of the page. There is also a banner ad running across the top, but these button ads on the right are smaller and can be a variety of sizes. They are the same as other advertisements but are just a different size. A lot of advertisements are animated and have moving features, sometimes even sounds.

On the left is an example of a pop up window on a website. It just appears over top of the existing window and can be very distracting and annoying. It sometimes floats from one side of the screen to the other or just appears out of now where. It can be any size or shape, sometimes they shade out the window behind them so that you have no choice but to click the ad or click the exit button. This is a more common ad, usually ads where it blocks out the background are ads from the actual site your on, not outside advertisements. These pop ups can have animation going on, things can appear out of nowhere or slide into view, any type of animation can be used in this type of advertisement as well as a normal banner ad or button ad.

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