Wednesday, October 24, 2012

257 - Full Banner Web Advertisement

Definition: A graphical web advertisement unit, typically measure 468x60px.

Banner ads are one of the most prominent forms of advertisements on the web right now. Banners are the easiest to fit into any website, they just need to bump down the header area to fit this into the top, and that leaves them so much more room for other advertisements on the rest of the page. Banners used to be judged by their basis of click-through rate, these used to be much higher in the earlier days of the web.

There are a lot of reasons why the rate has dropped in recent years, it used to be a lot more novelty like when it first started being used, but now it can be dangerous clicking on advertisements, they can lead to being hacked, spammed, getting a virus, not to mention that sometimes the designs are just uninteresting or bad, or they may have technical limitations. Though they have become less common to be clicked on and therefore some believe that they don't work at all for an advertisement, but the prices have gone down just as the click-through rate has, but it still showcases your business or design on a website that people look at and take notice. If the design is really good and noticeable then you are still drawing attention of the readers, but sometimes just displaying the website is preferable because a lot of people are wary of clicking on advertisements because they tend to lead you to weird places.

 These are both examples of banner ads that can be found on the top of any website. These are different sizes but are the same idea, they are usually above the header area of the website and just runs across the top of the page. This leaves plenty of room for other advertisements as well as plenty of room for their own logo and navigation.

These are the most common types of advertisements are seen on many websites. They are easy to fit into even the most crowded of websites and can change from one page to another on the websites.

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