Monday, September 24, 2012

Green Tea Bottle Designs

CGR 257

These are example of different green tea bottles that company's use to advertise their products. I am trying to make my green tea a bottle drink rather than a make at home type. The first bottle, I don't like the design, I think it is just odd looking and doesn't make me think green tea or anything natural. It makes me think blood or dirt because of the color they chose and the flowers. The last one I like, I think it makes me think green tea, but not because of the colors, but the overall design and look. I like the odd shape for the bottle, which is why I showed the middle bottle. I like the idea of having an interestingly shaped bottle as well as a good design on the bottle itself. 

For mine I would keep my color scheme while also trying to incorporate an interesting looking design and bottle shape. I think I would keep it young and fun looking, something that draws attention and makes you want to buy the bottle. I like the shape of the center and right bottle, but the first one looks too bulky and fat looking, which turns me off it. Healthy makes me think slim, which is why the last bottle works best, its a good shape for gripping it with your hand, as well as reminding you of a slim persons figure, slim waist, good figure. Even the shape of the bottle can help in your design, which is something I'm also paying attention to. 

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