Monday, September 24, 2012

Beverage Websites - Nestea

CGR 257

I really like this website when it comes to the colors and look. It is very colorful and noticeable. It also is animated and has things coming from the top of the page and drawing attention to the website. The only thing, the main page has nothing but pictures, it has very little font come up and say how awesome the drink is, but having a home page of nothing but a picture I'm not sure is very affective. Though all the colors, images and appearances makes me think drink, thirsty, healthy, fun, it just still doesn't have a very informational website. The top seems very boring compared to the bottom. All the weight is at the bottom of the page, making an awkward gap between the bottom picture and the top header area. I like the background behind the web page, the light blue flower leaf look, but it still just seems a little plain information wise.

The spacing also still seems not even, the links just don't seem even at the top, there is more on the top right, and the bottom left seems more filled. I just think they spent too much time on the bottom design, without thinking that the main point of the website is for information for your company, and your eye goes to the picture, but it just seems to have too much imagery without enough information to balance the picture out.

Though their top is the same between the pages, now that they change the picture, it doesn't seem the same, because it was all the color pictures in the homepage that held your attention, but now without it, it almost feels like its a different website, and it makes the page too boring. There is too much emptiness of the top and they still use a picture as their main image, and the picture doesn't always reflect the main part of the website, which should be the information about their tea and company. 

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