Monday, September 24, 2012

Different Modes of Color

CGR 257

In print advertisements and in illustrator we used CMYK. Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black. B is usually blue, brown, other colors, as well as black isn't always the word used, its Key, another term for black. Paper is always CMYK.

Web based colors are RGB, Red, Green, Blue. RGB comes from old style TVs. There are variations between CMYK and RGB.

There are also web safe colors, which are colors that are safe for any computer on the Internet. 216 colors which is part the number of combinations of RGB as well as that old school computers could only handle 254 colors. These ensure that any computer looking at the website on the Internet will be able to match those colors and the colors will stay the same, not substitute themselves out.

Knowing what types of colors you can use, and how they apply to your design is important, because if you design something in illustrator as a print advertisement, and want to use it in your website, then you have to ensure that the colors can be used on the web. They use different color platforms, which can affect how your advertisement looks online. When switching from designing on paper to designing on the web, color is something that is very important, because it also apply's when you create a logo for paper advertisements, then switch to using web advertisements, you need to make sure the colors stay the same between both types of advertisements, therefore you either need to change your coloring on your logo, because if you switch your brands colors it can confuse your consumers because they might not know if your a different company or if its a similar company.

When designing, color is a huge element, the use of color, the choice of your colors, but ensuring that the exact shade of your color is used in all your advertisements is extremely important and needs to be kept in mind no matter the type of advertisement that you are creating.

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