Monday, September 24, 2012

Targeting Specific Audiences

CGR 257

Targeting a certain audience is a huge part of creating a brand for a type of company. Knowing the age group of your audience as well as their most common income bracket is essential to knowing how to advertise for them, the pricing of the drink, where you would sell it. Knowing the media platform is also important because then you know what types of websites to advertise towards that would show your product to your type of client. When you are picking your target audience, you really need to focus on the small details and things that would attract your audience to your product rather than someone else's.  First, you need to determine what age bracket you are going to target, and that is the base of your brand design. Once you know your age bracket - lets say twenty to twenty five years old - you can start to look at either locations your targeting as well as income bracket. There is so much you need to think about that might seem so obvious, but you still need to figure it all out before you can make an affect design.

If our audience is mostly college age students, then you know that their income bracket is most likely not very high, therefore you can't price your product to expensive or they won't be able to afford it. Also, with that age group, you know what media platforms you should use, college students are into television, but mostly the Internet is the most important marketing strategy. A huge portion of people use the Internet for marketing and advertising platforms. When you find out your age and price bracket, you need to know what types of designs attract people from that area or that age group. For a younger generation, brighter colors, flashy designs can draw attention, but whether it shows what your company is trying to demonstrate through their design is most important. There is so many things that go into marketing and advertising for a single company, and if you want a successful advertisement, then you need to do a lot of thorough research to determine who, where, price and other aspects of your advertisements.

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