Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Web Design Services

Hey, so I am seriously thinking of starting to do some freelance work for web design and graphic/print design. The only problem I have is in thinking about what services that I would offer and how my pricing would work. I spoke with my teacher and he gave me some really good ideas about how he would charge for his freelance design work, but I want to see how some other companies do theirs. What I am currently basing my services off of that I liked is Superior Design, which shows the following services they offer:
Some of these things I can't offer, such as some of the Marketing and Custom Content Management software, but what I can offer is the Web Design, Web Consulting, Web Management, Print Design and Identity creation. I like the way that this is broken up because some client might not need everything, they might have a design and just need me to put it together and things like that, so I like how this organizes services.

Another design company called Sellers Bay offers services such as:
 This offers a lot more different services catered to eCommerce with shopping cards and even different application design. Instead of all custom websites they also offer website themes from Word Press, Joomla and Drupal which you can purchase and go off of. This doesn't offer just base services as the other company does, this just seems to cater more heavily to eCommerce rather than just normal business websites.

Another web designer, Web Editor, breaks their services into Web Page Design, Business Logo Design and Web Maintenance.



I just found an awesome site that shows design quotes and how they break them into professional firms, small firms/freelancers, and students/offshore designers. They break it into these categories:
  • General
    • Existing site (0 hours)
    •  Basic Blog site (3 hours)
    • Simple template based site (6 hours)
    • custom site (15 hours)
  • Site Layout Design
    • No unique graphics designed (0 hours)
    • They supply images (3 hours)
    • They have a template but need minor customization (6 hours)
    • They need template customized (10 hours)
    • Custom design for site (20 hours)
  • Other Graphic Features
    • Need custom graphics made (4 hours)
    • Graphic mouse-over buttons (4 hours)
    • Few stock photographs integrated (4 hours)
    • Several stock photographs integrated (9 hours)
  •  Content
    • They add their content with a content manager (0 hours)
    • They supply ____ pages of typed content (3 hours/page)
    • They need ____ pages of typed content (5 hours/page)
  • Public Features
    • Member Registration (6 hours)
    • Discussion Forums (5 hours)
    • Contact Form (3 hours)
    • Links page (3 hours)
    • File uploads (8 hours)

This would really help me for creating a quote for certain clients. At first my plan had to been to charge per hour, but a lot of clients would prefer to do it with a quote, so that they know exactly how much they would be paying up front so that there are no surprises. This will help me determine hours and such. I got this from which shows you price ranges and how they varied. They gave a range of student/offshore of an hourly charge from about 20-30 dollars an hour, and for freelancers of about 45 dollars an hour to even more. I would probably charge about 30 dollars an hour. 

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