Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My Portfolio/Business Website

Well, for my Web Design class, my fourth project is to make a portfolio website, but I decided that I was going to not only use it for my portfolio, but also use it for my business, All Over Designs. Therefore I am trying to take this site to the next level, and really make it a top notch site. I am including services, graphic design and web design work as well as contact information and a form they can fill out to get a quote on their job. So far, this is the home page layout design of my website.

What I am doing is making a portfolio website that doubles as my freelance design work page. I am going to change the images on the side for my home page and I changed the Design Services link in the navigation to Graphic Services. I am putting a lot of planning into this site. I have to organize all my services, information, projects and work to demonstrate all my graphic and web design skills.

This is some of the basic organization of my website:


  • ·         Home
  • ·         Graphic Portfolio
  • ·         Web Portfolio
  • ·         Graphic Services
  • ·         Web Services
  • ·         Contact Me

Home Page

  •  About me information, talk about experience and different kinds of work that I’ve done
  • Graphic Portfolio: basic description of what types of work can be found in portfolio along with a few examples of work
  • Web Portfolio: basic description of what types of work can be found in portfolio along with a few examples of work
  • Web/Graphic Services: Basic description of services offered:

Graphic Portfolio

  • Home Page – start off mentioning some of the projects that I have worked on, describing the job and what it took to create it. Look at portfolio from print production for most. Say how some pieces just describe a skill that I have.

Web Services

  • Web Design
o   Simple page, blog, interactive custom web application
o   Web Development
o   CSS
o   JavaScript
o   Web Design
o   Interface Design
o   Landing Page Design
o   Banner and Features
o   Custom Design Elements
o   Flash Design Animation
o   Parts
·         Content
·         Usability
·         Appearance
·         Visibility
o   Web Consultant
o   Site Strategy
·         Site Function Planning
·         Site Objective Planning
·         Page Objective Planning
o   Branding
·         Creating a web brand
·         Branding Guide
o   Web Management
o   Site Management
·         Web Hosting
·         Data Entry
·         Domain Management
·         Full Site Production
·         Site Upkeep
·         Project Management
o   Content Creation
·         Content Writing
·         Custom Photography
·         Custom Illustrations
·         Web Presentations
·         Product Photography

Graphic Services

  •  Identity
      • Logo Development
o   Logo Concepts
o   Logo Variations
      •  Logo Design
o   Logo Proofing
o   Logo Color Schemes
  •  Print Design
  • Print Identity
o   Business Cards
o   Letterheads
o   Envelopes
      • Print Marketing
o   Brochures
o   Post Cards
o   Flyer's
o   Banners/Posters
      • Product Packaging
o   Menus
o   Event Tickets
o   Booklets
o   Product Packaging


  • This is part of the website is used so that clients can fill out their personal information, what services they are looking for, add comments, and then I can get in touch with them
  • Home Page - Describes the point of this page, shows my base contact information on the far right section. Explains the different tabs on the side and how to fill out form for a quote.
  • Personal Information - Name, email, phone (home and cell), address, preferred contact method. Type of Business and Business name
  • Design Work - List of services, customer selects whichever they need, also asks for a budget that they are trying to work with
  • Comments - Simple text box for any additional comments about the project. Place to upload different images/graphics. Talk about preferences they would like, such as color schemes they want and any additional personal notes. 

So far this is what I have for my plan for my website. I am looking into pricing which will be my next post, and other than that it is figuring out the exact text, images, and then just putting everything together. Well hopefully everything will work out well with this site, and hopefully it will be up and running soon. 


1 comment:

  1. This is nicely done! It’s really convenient to transform a project into a portfolio. Web designing is what I think the most popular business nowadays, and still rising more. I browse some of your post by the way, and saw how talented you are. With your unique creativity, there’s no doubt that you’ll be successful. Good luck :-)

    Frida Stanton
