Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Learning about different types of websites

There are several different types of website that you might be making for clients. For the longest time I believed a website was a website, but in reality, there are all different types of sites that someone can be looking for. There are two main types of websites: Static and Dynamic -

Static Site - Update each page independently using HTML. This is the classic way of creating websites,

Dynamic Site - Typically a site that is connected to a database so that you can store information and pull up that information in an organized way. Word Press and Joomla are both dynamic sites. 

Types of Sites:
  • Affiliate: Is a type of site that is mainly links to products and services that you recommend and when the link is clicked or item purchased, the website owner receives a commission. Examples are - Commision Junction; ClickBank; eJunkie.
  • Archive Sites: This type of site is used to store older information about a particular subject, intended for research or entertainment. Examples: Intenet Archive; Way Back Machine. 
  • Blog (or weblog) Site: Used to post online diaries which can include discussions and forums. Examples: WordPress; Movable Type; and Blogger.
  • Corporate or Business Site: Background information about a business, organization, or service. Examples: General Motors; General Electric; PepsiCo.
  • Commerce Site or eCommerce Site: Purchasing goods or services. Examples: Amazon; Walmart; Target.
  • Community Site: A site where a person with similar interests communicate with each other usually chatting or message boards
  • Database Sites: Main purpose is to display stored information. Examples: Internet Move Database; Political GraveYard.
  • Development Site: Information and resources are provided for subjects related to software development, web design, and programming. 
  • Directory Site: Contains lists of information organized into categories and subcategories. Examples: Yahoo! directory; Google Directory; and Open Project Directory.
  • Download Sites: Strictly used for downloading electronic content like software, games, demos, and desktop wallpapers. Examples: ZDNet; Tucows.
  • Employment Sites: Allows employers to post job announcements for a position so that anyone interested can apply. Example: Monster; HotJobs; CareerBuilders.
  • Erotica Sites: Shows sexual videos and photos
  • Gripe Site: Devoted to the critique of a person, place, corporation, government, or institution.
  • Humor Site: To amuse and entertain. Example: StuffWhitePeopleLike and
  • Information Site: Content meant to inform viewers but not always for commercial purposes. Examples: RateMyProfessoers; Encyclopedia. Most government, educational, and non-profit institutions have these types of sites.
  • Intranet Site: Created for a group of employees that work for a specific company. Only viewable by employees currently working there and typically stores information on internal projects and corporate happenings. 
  • Mirror Site: Complete reproduction of a site.
  • News Site: Close to an information site, but dedicated to putting out information and commentary. Examples: CNN; The New York Post; Fox 5.
  • Personal Homepage: Run be individual or small group that contains information or content that the person wants to include. Such as portfolio sites.
  • Phish Sites: Created to scam people and acquire personal information, such as passwords and credit card information by masquerading as a person or business.
  • Political Site: Site for people to post about their political views. Examples: Huffington Post; Politico.
  • Pornography Site: A site that shows pornographic images and videos. 
  • Rating Site: Site for people to praise or disparage products or services
  • Search Engine Site: Provides general information and is intended as a look up for other sites. Examples: Google; Yahoo!; Bing.
  • Warez: Site filled with illegal software and other electronic media for download
  • Web Portal: Provides starting point for a gateway to other resources on the Internet or intranet. 
  • Wiki Site: Site which collaboratively edits information to serve as an online resource. Example: Wikipedia.
These are all different types of sites that people may want me to create, so it is important for me to learn about each type, because if I need to build an information site, it will be different than a personal homepage or news site. Web design is a very broad job, and a lot of times it requires knowing a little bit about a lot of different things. 

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