Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Websites for Zoos

For my third project, I am doing a website for the Washington Zoo, and so I wanted to look at the already existing website for the Washington Zoo, as well as other websites to see how they organize their information and demonstrate that they are a zoo in their design. The website to my left is the current Smithsonian Zoo's website, and though they have a lot of different animals on their home page, and that they use a green color scheme, I still think that the Catoctin zoo header demonstrates that they are a zoo more so because the outdoor scene along with the tiger and animal are all things that make a person think of a zoo. The organization of the Smithsonian zoo is a little confusing I believe. A person's attention will be drawn to the left side of the page, and though it is the navigation, It isn't really the main focus of the page. On most websites the main focus should be the header and the name of the company, not on the navigation. The website is definitely unique in some aspects, but it still seems unbalanced to me. The left of the page is very heavy compared to the right side, and it seems really unbalanced to me. There is a lot of things about it that I just don't like, some of the coloring, the way that the navigation is organized. I think it is mostly a confusing site. As many designers know, you have to make a website so simplicity that even the most technologically challenged people can easily maneuver and understand how to navigate around.

The Catoctin website I like a little better because the header really makes me think of zoos, and the navigation makes a lot more sense than the Smithsonian's website, because its where somewhere would expect it to be found. The entire design and color scheme all make me think of zoos and animals which is the point of the website. I do really like the entire organization and layout of this site. There are some technical issues that I see, with the section on the right, where they have all caps which looks really bad, but also with the words overlapping over the small box that should have had a picture. The individual boxes under the giraffe picture I like, they put a lot of information in a well organized structure. The farther down the page I believe gets a little worse, the organization and coloring and everything I starts to slack off a little. As you can see, they have a lot more white space, except for the bottom, but what I don't like is the organization of the bottom two navigation sections. It looks really chunky and takes up too much space, which I don't think looks very good or goes with the rest of the website. I think they need to keep their homepage shorter and not be so long and drawn out.

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