Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Wow, now this is amazing. The type in it is awesome because they use such depth to their letters that they make them really pop out. The only thing I don't understand is why they used different fonts for each letter of yes? They really did an amazing job of it though, the colors really do grab attention and keep it. They incorporated the letters into the picture and graphics behind it, and make it one coherent piece. I don't know what the part on the left is suppose to be, its too many colors to distinguish it, but it is still an interesting design.

Though most graffiti is type based or focuses mostly on the words and letters, they still add a lot of graphics, which if done correctly can add interest to the font and can bring more attention to the piece. Though I know this wasn't done as a design for class, this is real world design, this is what people actually see and look at and that's what makes it interesting, is that it wasn't made for a class, but was a true expression of the person designing it.

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