Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Basics of Type

This is some things that I learned from class and that I am just collecting from looking online. I am going to list some definitions of words and show images to help demonstrate what that means and showing differences between each of the types.

Important Typography Definitions:

Serif: Is the little tail at the end of a letter, a little more decorative type of font.
    Example: Times New Roman

Sans-Serif: No little tail at the end of letters, not very decorative.
     Example: Arial, Helvetica.

Slab Serif: Block detail to the writing, like serif but more block shaped tail rather than curved.
     Example: Clarendon

Black Letter: This is more older English type of font, used a lot for religious scripts.
     Example: Lucida Black letter

Non-Latin: Fonts that don't use the alphabet at all, they use characters to represent words or letters

Mimicry: Mimicking a non-Latin character (See Above Picture)

These are all different things you want to keep in mind for typography. The next post will also be a little bit more of things to keep in mind for typography. 

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