Thursday, October 18, 2012

Magazine Ad - Jewelrey

CGR 115

This is a really well put together advertisement. At first glance, you would assume its an ad for a beverage of some sort, but its really a jewelery advertisement. The use of the blue in both the dink and the background adds a lot of interest to the piece, as well as adding the blue text. Using variations in sizing of the text and appearance makes you notice the most important pieces of information first, keeping their attention where you want it to go. I like the picture of the bracelet coming out of the drink, something you usually wouldn't think of which also draws peoples attention to it. The centering of the text over the stem of the wine glass I'm not sure that i like, because I feel like it might make it a littler harder to read which could cause some problems. The logo in the bottom right does stick out prominently which is exactly what you want. 

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