Thursday, May 3, 2012

Popular Blogs and Blogging Forums

Blogs are extremely popular on today's Internet, there are a ton of people with blogs all around the world, and though this is my first blog, I wanted to see some of the most popular blogging sites out there.

  • Blogger (which I am currently on!): This is a popular free blog that a lot of people use for their everyday blogging habits. 
  • Tumblr: An interesting fusion between a blog and a twitter feed. Focus of Tumblr is for short and frequent posts rather than this type of blogger that is used for long posts and can be pushed back and post infrequently. 
  • WordPress: Open source blogging platform. You can set up your own blog on your own server, or create a WordPress hosted blog at This also has plug-ins, themes and gadgets that you can use for your blog.
  • SquareSpace: Commercial blogging platform with packages that range from $8-50 per month. 
  • Posterous: No fuss zero stress way to blog. You don't gotta sign up, you don't gotta pay, or know any code, you just email your blog and they blog it for you. Posts can be as long as you want, attaching photos and videos and other forms of media.
These are the five most popular blogging platforms that are out there and being used right now. Personally, I have heard of Tumblr, Blogger (obviously) and WordPress, but SquareSpace and Posterous I have never heard of. I am only blogging because of my teacher for a class, but I do kind of like having somewhere that I can put my research and information about things that I am trying to look up.


Next I am going to look at the top 15 blogs that people view. First I am looking at Huffington Post, a newspaper and news blog video community. There are an estimated 54,000,000 estimated monthly visitors. This is the most monthly viewed blog on the Internet. The second is TMZ which is similar to Huffinton Post but it revolves around celebrates and news about famous people.

Third is the Business Insider, which is a site with news revolving around the business world and political world. Its stories focus on political issues, world issues, and business issues rather than a gossip blog. Engadget is the fourth most popular blog. This blog is about technology today, it features information about the newest technology's, including phones and other devices.

Fifth biggest blog is PerezHilton, which is a blog all about Perez Hilton, features celebrity gossip circling around Perez Hilton. This is very similar to TMZ but it is actually focused on a specific person. Sixth is Gizmodo, which is another technology based blog, very similar to Engadget but it seems to be a little smaller with less information.

Seventh is Mashable, which is a blog that features information on a lot of different subjects, including social media, technology, business, entertainment, US and world, and videos. This is a mash of all types of subjects that usually a blog would focus on solely. Eighth is TechCrunch, which is another technology site, but this focuses not just on phones and the newest forms of social technology, but also on other types of computer technology, but on top of that it also features business media and related news.

Ninth is Gawker, another gossip site that focuses on the drama of celebrities lives, as well as the latest news in movies and other such items. Tenth is LifeHacker, a blog about random thoughts on uses of technology and uses and things that they have made. Also they have a "Ask LifeHackers" and they can ask questions that are posted online and given comments.

Eleventh is The Daily Beast, which focuses on a lot of different things, like elections, fashion, travel, and some select people. This is more of a news feed of information about the select subjects. Twelfth is SmashingMagazine, which to me sounds like the only interesting blog that I have found. This focuses on design, coding, programming, technology in mobile forums, ebooks and shops. This seems to have a lot of information about designing and coding and its a blog style, but it organizes it based on the type of subject, whether its coding, web design, graphic design or other such subjects.

Thirteenth is FailBlog, which is about funny videos, stories and things like that. This focuses on the humor of the site and everything so its for entertainment and nothing else. Fourteenth is Kotaku, a video game blog about games and gaming in general. It features stories of different games, game consoles and other game related stories.

Lastly, the fifteenth most popular blog is BoingBoing, which focuses on a lot of different subjects, to some controversial issues, from science to technology and to some specific subjects that would interest some people. This seems like a half serious half humor type of blog.

These are the top fifteen most popular blogs. I wanted to look because I never really knew much about blogging in the past but since I have one now it seemed appropriate to find out a little more about them.

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