Monday, February 11, 2013

My Next Bunch of Posts

So, just letting everyone know, most of my next upcoming posts are going to be coming from my research from the book "30 Essential Typefaces for a Lifetime" edited and curated by Imin Pao and Jashua Berger. The reason I picked this book was because I wanted a list of some of the more well known typefaces that I could research and find out more information about. This book lists 30 typefaces that are suggested to be needed for different reasons. I like this book because it not only lists the different typefaces, but also gives a brief history - which hopefully I can expand upon - the best use for this type as well as examples of works that the type is used in. I hope to show the entire alphabet for each typeface and dedicate a page to each of the 30. This page is kind of a starter, but in case your wondering whats coming, the typefaces include the following, broken into sans serif and serif fonts:

Sans Serif 
Font 1 - 15
  1. Akzidenz Grotesk
  2. Avenir
  3. Bell Centennial
  4. Bell Gothic
  5. DIN
  6. Franklin Gothic
  7. Frtuiger
  8. Futura
  9. Gill Sans
  10. Helvetica
  11. Meta
  12. Myriad
  13. Trade Gothic
  14. Univers
  15. Vag Rounded
Fonts 16 - 30

   16. Adobe Caslon
   17. Adobe Garamond
   18. Bembo
   19. Bodoni
   20. Clarendon
   21. Courier
   22. Excelsior
   23. Lucida
   24. Minion
   25. Perpetua
   26. Sabon
   27. Stempel Schneidler
   28. Times New Roman
   29. Trajan
   30. Walbaum

These are all the fonts that I am going to research and look into, I will also let you know if they are Serif or Sans Serif fonts on the page itself. Also, as I add pages, I will add links (hopefully) so that when you read this page, you can just click on the link that you would like.

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