Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Websites with Textures

CGR 257

Though web design has been advancing more and more in recent years, the designing side has moved along with it. With more powerful programs and coding to create more advanced designs, it is important to make your website really pop out and catch your clients attention without overdoing the page and still thinking about the load time for the site. One simple thing you can do to create more depth and interest in your page is using textures instead of basic colors. For this blog, I am going to look at using wood backgrounds and textures in your design, then looking at just basic textures that people use in their websites for background and depth.

Simply Home

This is the website for Simply Home, this is a website that uses an olden looking wood texture in the background to add interest, but they also used textures in almost every part of their website. The side bar, each navigation tag, the header, everything is basically a texture. The only problem with that is that it makes the load time for this page very long, which for those who have slow browsers and Internet, which is never a good idea. Though it brings more depth and interest, it is slow to load, it has way to much going on at one time, and it makes it a little confusing for looking for certain things. This was suppose to look like a scrapbook in itself, which is a good idea, and the goal was reached, but it isn't very efficient for the page. The textures add depth, but they aren't always a good idea.

Coffee House

This is actually a template that you can purchase to use for your website, but even so, I think its a really good looking template, I like the coloring, layout, I don't think templates are a good idea, because than your website looks similar to others, not to mention you usually can't mess with the templates layout very much. The texture in the background though, it is really cool. It blends very well into the background image of the cup of coffee and table, but it adds interest and attention to the logo and navigation at the top. It makes the logo and header pop up and look likes it over top of the background. The bottom is a little more boring, but it is still a good design I believe. The texture though in the background I really like and I think it suits this website very well, in coloring, and what the texture makes you think of.  

Irish Pub

What I don't like about this website is that it is a complete flash website. When you first click on it, different parts come in at different times to make it animated, but the only problem is that it is way too much load time, when you have everything as a picture it makes loading the page take a while, so if you have slow Internet, you could be waiting for such a long time, not to mention is its just a picture, than you can't select the text. If you wanted to copy the text to re post it on facebook, you can't because its not text, its a picture. There is a lot going on there, but I do think its an interesting layout. I like the navigation where it is, but I do think its a little much going on at one time. Plus though flash is cool, it does cause some complications with loading and pictures. This is also a template again so you already know my feelings about templates.
These are different websites that are created with textures in the background and with pictures as part of their design. Though I like the looks of them, they all have their problems, and the design can't take away from the main purpose of the site, which is to showcase information and to advertise their company

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