Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Elements of Graphic Design - Space Attracts Attention

CGR 115

Space Attracts Attention

In all designs, white space attracts attention. People automatically look for that white space, and it is important to add that to you designs because if there isn't enough white space, than everything looks a little too scrunched up and crowded but if there is too much, than it looks empty and dull. The problem is finding a good balance. Every piece should have white space, sometimes you leave a lot of white space, or just a little because that's what the designs message is talking about. People usually have the need to fill in white space in a design, thinking that it doesn't look good until every single space is filled up, but that's actually the problem, because not enough designers rely on the power of using white space to add pauses in their designs between certain messages, or using it to single out one important part of a design.

White space has always been an important part of design, it just isn't utilized as well as it should be. When white space is used well, it becomes an important asset to your design, its just tricky learning how to use that white space effectively and finding that perfect balance between white space, text, graphics, and color. 

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