Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Elements of Graphic Design - The Mind Searches for Meaning

CGR 115

The Mind Searches for Meaning

As human beings we naturally search for the unique and different. This comes from the evolutionary adaptations in humans from earlier years when people had to be cautious of threatening animals and creatures that could eat them.

If the piece is too different it causes confusion which usually causes the reader to stop reading. Good designs show the content fully with as much simplicity as possible. This is the definition of elegence. Below are layouts from the Xerox Publishing Standards of layouts that use effective white space, breaking sections of the paper and using their space in a unique way.

These are layouts that have good spacing and allow for a more unique placing of objects. Though these might not seem like conventional layouts you would see, these have more unique designs that allow elements to have different places to be placed so that the design can be something different and more interesting than most designs.

Source: The Elements of Graphic Design
              Alex W. White
              Allworth Press, New York 2002. 1st Edition

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