Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Elements of Graphic Design - Introduction

CGR 115

"One definition of good design is the balance between monotony and the designer's self indulgence."
"Elegance in a design is measured by the simplicity of the design relative to the complexity of its functions." 
I am beginning a blog series here in this blog, all for CGR 115 that comes from the book The Elements of Graphic Design. This first blog post is just the introduction to this series and what it is about.

First, I will discuss the Design Process:

1) Define the problem you have been given.
         This means that you have to know what you are designing when you begin. You have to       know what it is that they are asking you to create for them.

2) Know the material.
         This is similar to defining the problem, because you have to know the material that you are given. If you don't understand what they are giving you to do, then you won't be able to create an effective design. 

3) Distill the essential from the mass of confusing muchness.
           One of the hardest parts is determining what is the most important parts that have to be in your design and prominent. There is always a lot of things you can put in your design, but you have to know what is the essential things you need rather than putting everything they give you. 

4) Abstract the main pint so its importance to the reader is clear and its visually arresting.
           Giving the main point an abstract quality is important because it makes the reader think a little more about the design and draws their attention to it. When doing it though, you have to ensure that the message is still clear to the reader.

5)Unify all elements so they don't outshout each other.
           You want everything to work together well and in one piece, you don't want everything to look different, you can have slight differences but those differences should be towards a main goal and that works with the pieces.  

Design is a process, not just the end result, it takes a lot of work and thinking to be able to bring everything together in a cohesive message that works across the board.

Source: The Elements of Graphic Design
             Alex W White
             Allworth Press, New York 2002. 1st Edition

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