Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Importance of Typography - Web

CGR 257

When I speak of typography I am going to focus on the web typography, rather than print advertisements. The web has to be a lot less complex when it comes to the choices you have, not every computer has the same type faces and so you have to be careful to not choose strange fonts because the different computers will substitute fonts when they don't know the font exactly. You can design the best website with the coolest fonts, but if it isn't a recognized font, then the computer will completely change it and can severely ruin your entire design. Logo's can have any font you want, because it isn't considered text, but a graphic.I am currently working on a logo design, and though it will ultimately be for a website, I can choose whatever font I want because it is going into an image, not text.

Typography though is very important in a design, it might seem very plain and simple, but the look of the font, headline, the text you use, especially on a monitor can affect whether or not someone can easily read your website, or if it hurts or bugs their eyes, so you always have to pay close attention to your font choices. For this project, I looked at several different fonts on the computer until I found a style that I liked, but that one style didn't give enough for me to say everything I needed it to say. The original font that I chose was Gabriola (picture below), but using just that one font was a little boring, not to mention all it seemed to say to me was more nature tone, which is a very common design element for green tea, but I am trying to also aim towards the teenage to college student demographic, which means i need something else to gain their attention, which is why I am trying for a more modern hip look to my designing and campaigning. 

This is what the entire company name looked like in this font. I like the way green tea looks, but I want the main focus on the name of the company, with the logo and design speaking for itself to tell the customers exactly what it is. What I am more thinking now is using Gabriola for the Ocha, making it a more prominent color in the logo, and then using Candara font for the Green Tea words, which is a less fancy, more simple looking font that i think adds a little more modern touch to the name. There is a font sample below as well as what the fonts will look like together.
                        Though the coloring will obviously be different between the two fonts and words to bring out emphasis and make the words meld together better, this is the type of font choice I would like for the logo. I am not sure exactly the layout, coloring, or any of that information, but I wanted to focus somewhat on my typography, because it is an area that I can always improve on.

One thing though, is that if I use these two fonts in the logo, the only way to use one of these fonts again in another place throughout my website to bring unity among the typefaces is to make it an image. Not all computers have Gabriola font or Candara font, so it will work inside of an image, but if I want to use Candara for my headers and other areas to showcase important information, I would have to make it an image rather than selectable text as it should be. Once I have a more concise idea for my logo, I'll post more.

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